Wednesday, 18 February 2009

A dragon in the Watford pond.

Cycling home this evening past the pond in Watford (yes the one that the club goers chuck stuff into every club night) to see this wonderful paper dragon.  I thought it looked like the Loch Ness Monster.

Watford dragon 4

Saturday, 7 February 2009

There is still some snow....

Tess ventured out today and was not impressed to be followed by me with the camera.  In the garden things have started to melt but on our neighbour's football pitch, it is still quite deep, crisp and frozen on top and soft underneath which means as cat walks on it, her feet suddenly go through the crunchy layer.

Cat on the path 2 copy

Cat end copy

cat and tree copy

Thursday, 5 February 2009

The snow makes Watford look lovely

We are nearly at the end of a very cold and snowy week,  Rob couldn't get in to teach on Monday but sadly I live so close to work that I managed to stumble in, it was a bit like the last week of term but the roads were empty and Cassio Park full of people making giant snowballs.  

So, here is the back of our house complete with cat footprints in the snow.

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This is the view as the sun hit the street on Tuesday.  (Yes I know quite a bit has melted)

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And why not share this lovely shot of the local MOT station with snow covered cars.  

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