Friday, 13 March 2009

Rob's Mum's 70th birthday.

Had an excellent time in Silverstone (Not Watford) at Anne's birthday do. My Mum came too and it was a great opportunity to catch up with Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Neices and Nephews -it was a bit like a wedding really - without the church.

The girls tuck in

IMGP0421 amelia eating

Plenty of pudding

IMGP0416 pudding

And Cake

IMGP0412 Anne cake

That's a nice green suit Anne.

IMGP0481 Anne

My Mum Sylvia, having a nice time.

IMGP0460 My Mum

Sunset behind the golf club

IMGP0640 sunset

These were all taken on the new Pentax 200D, still getting used to the setup and as with most photos, it still seems to work better in natural light. Really looking forward to giving it a proper workout when we are back up in Skye at the end of next week.