Monday, 31 August 2009

Great news, a shop actually opening!


We went along to the opening launch of Emma (mainly!) and Arnie's new sweet shop Cocoa Berry in Leighton Buzzard.  The shop looked brilliant and there were plenty of samples although I feel a bit weary today after so much Edinburgh rock.

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Cutting the ribbon was Rusty Gough, an actor from the area who appeared in the original Charlie and the Chocolate factory film and also there was the mayor of Leighton Buzzard.  





The evening ended with some jazz of course.

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Saturday, 29 August 2009

Ady and Simeon's window

Getting on nicely with the window panels for Ady and Simeon now.   It seemed to take ages to get the lower section started and the pink mottled glass was a devil to cut.  Seem to have got my eye in again now and the pieces are cutting well and going together nicely now.  

Foxglove window

Foxglove window

You can even see the garden here, still find the shed a great place to work.

Foxglove window

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Finally, the tomatoes are red ....

It seems to have taken ages but finally the tomatoes have ripened and taste fantastic.

First red tomato

The beans are almost over but we have eaten loads of them for the last two months.  Here is Rob with his seriously sharp knife.

Rob cutting beans