Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Christmas glass

These are some pieces that I made for my brothers and their partners and Rob's brother and sisters for Christmas. I really enjoyed making them and want to build on the ideas now.

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Friday, 3 December 2010

Grandad George Brown

My Grandad George died in the early hours of this morning, he was 95 and had been ill for some time, but especially this last couple of weeks. He had been so independent for so long that it seemed almost impossible that he should not be able to get up out of bed and needed so much help. My Mum has been amazing and I'm looking forward to seeing her tomorrow. I have so many army pictures of him but wanted to include this one since it is fun and how I remember him when I was a child. The poem is by Brian Patten and although a lot of his friends and my Grandma went before he did, people loved and connected with him for all of his life and will carry that with them. An extraordinary life.

george brown

So many different lengths of time by Brian Patten
How long does a man live after all?
A thousand days or only one?
One week or a few centuries?
How long does a man spend living or dying
and what do we mean when we say gone forever?

Adrift in such preoccupations, we seek clarification.
We can go to the philosophers
but they will weary of our questions.
We can go to the priests and rabbis
but they might be busy with administrations.

So, how long does a man live after all?
And how much does he live while he lives?
We fret and ask so many questions -
then when it comes to us
the answer is so simple after all.

A man lives for as long as we carry him inside us,
for as long as we carry the harvest of his dreams,
for as long as we ourselves live,
holding memories in common, a man lives.

His lover will carry his man's scent, his touch:
his children will carry the weight of his love.
One friend will carry his arguments,
another will hum his favourite tunes,
another will still share his terrors.

And the days will pass with baffled faces,
then the weeks, then the months,
then there will be a day when no question is asked,
and the knots of grief will loosen in the stomach
and the puffed faces will calm.
And on that day he will not have ceased
but will have ceased to be separated by death.

How long does a man live after all?
A man lives so many different lengths of time.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

What's happening - Rob on tour with Steve Hackett

I have been playing around with Google Maps tonight just to see where the next few dates of the tour will be taking Rob. They are very spread out but I'm looking forward to seeing him at the London gig next Tuesday.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Beasties and leaf stained glass

I made this item for Mum for her birthday, the purple colour of the border doesn't show up too well on this photo, it is very dark, but the green is as bright as it appears here. The little stones around the edge are amethysts that are wired and soldered around the border.

Beasties and leaf stained glass detail

Beasties and leaf stained glass detail

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

A family gathering and a big adventure

P1020249, originally uploaded by Ajay Jayne.

Well, this is Rob and his Mum, a photo taken on Sunday before Anne set off on her big adventure teaching for 4 months in Nepal. A lovely time was had by all along with far too much cake. Anne's blog, which is currently empty until she finds some internet service, can be found at http://www.eleanorannetownsend.blogspot.com

Some more photos

Saturday, 7 August 2010

My garden, very overgrown, Watford

P1020109, originally uploaded by Ajay Jayne.

Well, a little bit of rain and the garden has gone crazy. The courgettes have grown so much that we can barely keep up with eating them and the lilies are full of hover flies.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Kiln is in place

P1010981, originally uploaded by Ajay Jayne.

How could I forget to blog this, rather excited to have rearranged my whole shed and now have the new kiln fitted neatly into the corner. Rob is away on tour but he has already noticed that I have nabbed the CD racks to make equipment pigeonholes. I am still reading the kiln instructions at the moment since I don't want to either set light to the shed or break the new equipment so it may be a few days before the thing gets a proper firing.

Was inspired by finishing the painted glass work on the course in London.

Here is the finished piece based on Tudor blackwork embroidery and inspiration from things around the garden.




Thursday, 8 July 2010

Oh no, the Roman steps Wales!

Ady Sam mum Ang Wales, originally uploaded by Ajay Jayne.

Mum has a massive collection of colour slides that show everyone (except Dad the photographer of course) on various holidays. The collection features us wearing handknits by Grandma and high fashion from the early to late 1970's - Mum's dress would not look out of place in the current Wallis collection - and wellies. This is from the Roman steps in Wales, I know that Rob has a very similar photo of his family wearing similar clothes in the same area. Enjoy.

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Ady and Fred's Window.

Can't believe that last weekend was the first time I got to see the Foxglove window that I made for Ady and Fred last year actually fitted in the door. So rather lapse on the visiting front - or maybe it was the first time I had my camera with me. Bit of a tricky shot since the door is set slightly around the corner but at least this gives a good idea of the final colours and shapes. I had photos sent from Ady's telephone but couldn't get them from there on to a screen. Better late than never.


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Friday, 23 April 2010

St Georges Day

I'm not one for patriotism, but in celebration of my Grandfather George, my brother Ady who always sends me a happy St Georges day message and in recognition of a poet I really admire, this is to celebrate St Georges day.

The True Dragon
by Brian Patten

St George was out walking
He met a dragon on a hill,
It was wise and wonderful
Too glorious to kill

It slept amongst the wild thyme
Where the oxlips and violets grow
Its skin was a luminous fire
That made the English landscape glow

Its tears were England’s crystal rivers
Its breath the mist on England’s moors
Its larder was England’s orchards,
Its house was without doors

St George was in awe of it
It was a thing apart
He hid the sleeping dragon
Inside every English heart

So on this day let’s celebrate
England’s valleys full of light,
The green fire of the landscape
Lakes shivering with delight

Let’s celebrate St George’s Day,
The dragon in repose;
The brilliant lark ascending,
The yew, the oak, the rose

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Back from Skye

Had a great week with my brother Sam and Debbie at their home (and excellent holiday retreat http://www.melrosehouseskye.co.uk near Dunvegan (and niece Holly briefly). They have guests booked until August but it was great to spend some time with them and we have been thoroughly spoiled. Our birthday treat of vouchers for dinner at the Three Chimneys were traded for the full taster menu on Thursday which was an unforgettable experience. We have been trawling around all the little lanes since it was Rob's first trip up to visit and visited Marcella and Ian at their home as well as going out to Talisker bay out in the sunshine rather than early twilight as on a previous visit. Strangely enough I have heard skylarks twice this week, once at the fascinating coral bay with the sound of the loch against the shore and once when we arrived back at Luton airport in the car park with the sound of planes coming in to land. Now having incredible withdrawal symptoms.

Talisker bay

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The curious Giant Angus MacAskill museum at Dunvegan

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Hello Kitty, enjoying a breakfast egg laid by ....


One of the girls.

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Wish this was at the bottom of our garden - it is actually at the bottom of Marcella and Ian's garden. Check out their B&B

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Thursday, 25 March 2010

Leighton Buzzard Oxjam

IMGP5723 Claire Martin, originally uploaded by Ajay Jayne.

Arnie, Emma and their shop Cocoaberry arranged for an evening of jazz and it was great to have a night out in the week and get to see some playing. This is Claire Martin.

And of course, Rob and a few others.

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Thursday, 18 March 2010

Just incase you are interested

Although Grandad is behind all of the writing, if you are interested in getting a copy, you can order a softback or hardback copy of his book by following the link.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Northampton for Tim and Jude's birthday bash.

Had a great time up in Northampton at the Labour club celebrating the birthday's of Tim and Jude Harries. Freaky backdrop films of Dune and Nosferatu and some excellent company. The bonus was also getting to catch up with Ben who we hadn't seen for ages he is such a busy chap so we also managed to fit in a curry. Paul Williams provided the "voice" Joel Harries on drums.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Sunny in Watford!

IMGP5445, originally uploaded by Ajay Jayne.

Always a sign of Spring when the cat finally gets outside and starts rolling on the paving slabs and gravel. Managed to get some tidying up done i the garden and looking forward to getting some more done over the next few days. The evenings and mornings are getting so much lighter and it is great to get home in the light at last.

Visit to Brafield on The Green to see Grandad.

P1000501 Me and Grandad, originally uploaded by Ajay Jayne.

Rob took this photo of me with Grandad George, it was lovely to see him on Sunday, he has just had another birthday (and had plenty of birthday cake left - which we were keen to help out with). He seemed pleased to see the Spring finally adding some colour to his garden.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Crikey, Lewis is back.

P1000317 Lewis copy, originally uploaded by Ajay Jayne.

Nephew Lewis is back from working and living in Spain and it was great to see him. They were off to the football shortly after this was taken and thankfully The Cobblers managed to beat Cheltenham so it wasn't a wasted journey.

Scary brother

P1000290 Ady and Lewis copy, originally uploaded by Ajay Jayne.

What can I say ....

Brother Ady and his big child Lewis

P1000292 Ady and Lewis copy, originally uploaded by Ajay Jayne.

A trip up to Northampton last Saturday to see my Mum and had the extra bonus of seeing Ady and Lewis. Not sure if Lewis was up for this much parental affection but he didn't complain. Lovely to see everyone and on the bus into town was pleased to see that Scrooge and the music shop are still up and running on the Kettering Road.

Monday, 15 February 2010

A day out to Emsworth

We had a great trip out on Saturday to visit friends Nick and Emma in Emsworth with their lovely children, it was darn cold but great to see the sea ; this was the view from the pub.


This was everyone out in the cold on the beach getting some air;

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Visiting friends at Emsworth

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And some large rocks...


Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Butternut Squash soup

Butternut squash IMGP5352, originally uploaded by Ajay Jayne.

1 Butternut squash
1i/2 oz Butter
12 oz potato
2 pints vegetable stock
Cream if you like (not essential)

Heat the oven to 160 Degrees C

Cut the butternut squash in half, scoop out the seeds and dot with about 1oz of the butter.

Roast it in the oven for about an hour.

Meanwhile .....

Melt the rest of the butter in a large pan and add the peeled, cut up potatoes and 2 pints of stock. Let it simmer for about 20 minutes until the potatoes are soft.

Cool the butternut squash for a bit then scoop it out of the skin and add it to the potatoes. Wizz it up in a blender or using a hand blender and then pour it into a clean saucepan. If you want to add cream, add about 3 1/2 fl oz now, stir it in then heat the soup back up.

Add salt and pepper.

I love winter soups!

Friday, 8 January 2010

Thursday, 7 January 2010

More snow in Watford

Garden IMGP5290, originally uploaded by Ajay Jayne.

Once again, the snow reaches Watford and although we are sick to the back teeth with all the BBC coverage and people moaning about it - it has slowed things down, stopped people tearing around the country as if a meeting to discuss nothing in particular was life threatening and stopped my phone ringing at work. New walking boots, plenty of scarves and ski gloves and a sort of holiday atmosphere has actually made me enjoy the whole thing.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Time to tidy up after Christmas

01 01 2010 IMGP5244, originally uploaded by Ajay Jayne.

The wreath is still on the door but it is time to start making the house look as if Christmas is over and a new year is about to begin.