Thursday, 23 February 2012

Is this the Spring?

IMGP8761_Tess, originally uploaded by Ajay Jayne.

Today has been a most glorious day, it even felt warm this afternoon as I was tidying up the garden. Two bin bags of old leaves from last year and a complete re-potting of the rhododendron which has spent too much of its time tipped over in its pot this last couple of months.


Tess has spent a lot of time staring into the borders pretending that she is awake although she actually has her eyes closed. Her coat has been glittering in the sun and it is lovely to see her outside in the sunshine.



Tuesday, 14 February 2012

No, this isn't Watford....It's La Thuile

Had a fantastic trip to La Thuile in Italy early in the year. A fair bit of snow and blue skies for the whole week.


It was great to get back out on the mountains again and enjoy some brilliant company.




Sunday, 12 February 2012

Picking berries in Harold last year

P1060416_edited-1, originally uploaded by Ajay Jayne.

Can't believe it has taken me five months to post these images up. We have already finished quite a lot of the sloe gin that was prepared from the berries picked in September and that sky has such an Autumn feel about it.


The job takes quite a bit of concentration...


The sunglasses may be due to optimism or could be to prevent thorn damage.

